Monday, February 12, 2007

False Labor

So judging by the fact that I still haven't made it to the hospital yet after a full weekend of contractions . .. I think I'm experiencing false labor! My contractions are now between 4 and 8 minutes apart and painful but not regular enough for me to go to the hospital.

Luckily though - today is my first day not working!! So I'm excited to have the day off. I woke up early from these contractions but I don't care because I know I can take a nap later today. I'm going to do some deep cleaning and maybe start my nesting drive, go on a long walk with the dogs, and just try and keep myself busy and hope that this little girl thinks about coming out one of these days!

Any other old wives tales I should try here? lol.

1 comment:

kristenita said...

my contractions were NEVER 60 sec long 5 min apart for an hour. they were like 25-45 sec 2-10 min apart ALL day... by the time I went to the hospital I was at 7cm... next baby I will be going to the hospital sooner, that's for sure, cause those things HURT!
so you might not be in "false" labor, girlfriend! :) REST REST REST - save your energy for labor/delivery.