Thursday, July 19, 2007

We're Back

I am going to have quite a few posts over the next few days! We just returned from our little vacation to Washington and had a fabulous time. The weather was absolutely beautiful and it was a much needed break from the norm! Flying by myself with Ellie went much better than I thought it would but I did learn a few things:

- The Phoenix Skycap people were much nicer than the Seattle ones.
- Just beacause you didn't need the birth certificate in one airport, it doesn't mean that another airport won't ask for it. (I had Ellie's but packed it away in a hard to reach spot after Phoenix didn't check on it)
- Nursing on an airplane isn't that big of a deal.
- I packed more than enough diapers . . but not enough burp rags
- There are tons of nice people in this world still. I was so grateful for those people that sat next to me on the plane and offered to help me out and those that helped me out in line with folding up my car seat, etc.
- Just because you've been thrown up on 5 times, it doesn't mean that your child is done yet.
- Trying to eat the snack and drink on the plane is hard while holding a child that wants to put it in her mouth!
- Packing an extra shirt for myself was a smart idea.
- Disposable diaper changing pads are great to lay down on the airport floor and let your baby play on. Then you can just throw them away when you are done and you don't have to worry about all the germs!!
- Layovers are not fun.
- 5 month old babies can throw far (sorry to the person sitting behind me on the flight from Seattle to Oakland!)
- There is a special security check line in the Seattle airport for Southwest Rapid Rewards members. Thanks to my dad for helping me with that one or I would have missed my flight coming back to Phoenix!

Overall though - it wasn't so bad. And on every flight I was complimented on what a great baby I had. We'll see how she does when we fly to Utah in a couple of weeks . ..


heidi said...

very true. once when i was flying with reagan i got up to change his diaper. the flight attendant stopped me and said that since the fasten seat belt sign was on, i was walking around at my own risk. i was like, "seriously? walking around is my own risk? have you smelled this diaper yet?"
glad your trip went well!

Kristen Michele said...

Lachelle!! You didn't call me while you were here :( Oh well, I'm sure you were very busy visiting with your dad. At least you were here for the beautiful weather. You'll have to let me know next time you're in town, so we can meet up then!

Rachael said...

I love your list of things you learned. It's amazing how much life changes with a baby. Some things seem more difficult, but how would we ever live without them?

Nikki said...

Thanks for the heads-up! Your experience will be helpful to me when I fly to California with Alex and Rory in a couple weeks. I like the disposable changing pad idea. And I guess I better ask my cat-sitter if she'll mail me copies of the girls' birth certificates.