Wednesday, May 28, 2008

15 Month Check Up

It took us a few weeks past her 15 month mark to get Ellie into the doctor but we finally had the appointment today. And we're playing catch up on the shots since she was sick with the flu at her 12 month appointment - so lucky her got the measles and chicken pox shots on the same day.

She's weighing in at exactly 22 pounds (35th percentile) with a height of 31 1/2 inches (60th percentile) and then her head was in the 30th percentile. So she's gained a pound and a half since her last appointment. I'm actually surprised it's not more with how much she loves food! But I guess with her running and climbing she burns most of it. And I'm a little sad that she is losing her little Buddha belly. We had gone up to size 4 diapers for a few weeks but now we're back at size 3. And we're in that weird transition of clothes again because she is growing taller than a lot of her 18 month clothes but they are still too big on her and the 24 month are the right length but completely drown her.

Ellie is doing much better at swimming lessons each day. She's still the most scared in the class but other mom's in our class have commented to me that it's cute to see her like it more and more each day. So we're going to have to keep testing out different swimming pools this summer and I'm sure by the end of the summer she'll be loving it And then we'll have to start over the process next year! (Isn't that how it works?)

Ellie has been cracking us up lately with all of her crazy facial expressions. I don't know where she gets them from! She has broken through her two top molars and one more tooth in her front for a grand total of 7 teeth now. And we're finally started to get thicker hair in the back of her head! Yesterday it even started curling at the bottom of her head. So I'm still crossing my fingers that some of my curly hair passed onto her (since after I had her - my hair has been completely straight!).

In addition to all the climbing and dancing she does around the house (we like to take dancing breaks in between cleaning) Ellie's new fascination is with ice. I bought a big bag of the ice from Sonic and I will just put it in a cup for her to chew on. She likes it better than popsicles! I know it's probably not a good habit for her teeth but it sure keeps her happy and entertained for a while. And lately Ellie has pretty much been telling us when she wants to go to bed. I knew my strict scheduling of her sleep time would come in handy one of these days! She knows when we say "night, night" that it's time to go bed and she'll say it when she's tired. It's the only time that she gets a pacifier is at nap time so that could be the reason she loves going to bed! But whatever it is it's working. I always said I would get rid of the pacifier after a year but I admit now that I'm lazy when it's so easy to get her to go to sleep when she gets one. And she never gets it out of her crib. Funny how your parenting ideas change, huh?

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