Monday, April 21, 2008

Boston & Early Morning Workouts

I almost decided to ignore my alarm this morning when it went off before 6 but then I remembered that my dad was running the Boston Marathon this morning. If he can run 26 miles this morning - I should at least get myself out of bed and run 4!

The Boston Marathon is so well organized that we can actually track his progress all morning. If you go to the website - the upper right hand corner has a spot you can click on to track individual athletes and then type in the name or bib number (12936). My dad is running at an 8 minute mile pace right now. Which is awesome! If he keeps on track with that - he'll break his personal marathon record time. We'll be watching his progress and wishing him good luck this morning.


Andrea said...

That's awesome how organized it is!

Some day, I hope to never run a marathon. So far, I'm right on track. ;-)

Erin said...

Cool about your dad. My friend talked me into running a 10k this saturday. I haven't run regularly since I trained for the half marathon last year. I workout 5x a week but switch around, it helps me not to get bored. So...I ran 6 miles on friday night and it about killed me. I got up this morning to run 5 and it was hard. 3 is about right for me right now, pretty sad huh? I only had about a week and a half to train for the 10k, I don't recommend it. I am impressed how early you get up!!! I thought 7:30 was hard this morning!

Goldthorpe Family! said...

I didn't check it out until this evening, and his results were AWESOME! Just over eight minutes a mile for his pace...! WOW! Congrats to him - and to you for putting on thos running shoes this morning! :o)