Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sleeping Through the Night

Eliza is 9 weeks old today and last night she slept through the night - 7 straight hours! I am pretty sure it was just a one time thing but I was pretty excited this morning (after first waking up alarmed). She did start making some noise in the middle of the night but wasn't fussing too much so I didn't get her out of her bed and ended up falling back asleep - thinking she was going to wake up again in another hour. But nope - she decided not to get up until close to 6 a.m. I was a little scared when I looked in her bassinet to check on her that something was wrong. Other than her being completely turned in a different position in her bed than she started in - she was smiling up at me and ready to be fed! So here's hoping she continues this good sleeping.


kristenita said...

sweet! nice that she fell back to sleep without any help! here's to sleeping "in" until 6am! hopefully she keeps it up (and she very well might)!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous! Why can't my big boy figure that out yet?