Sunday, March 06, 2011

Mr. Biggs Family Fun Center

After months of working very long 6 day weeks - Rob finally got a day off of work! We decided to make it a fun family afternoon and use it to check out some new places in our city. I read about this place called Mr. Biggs Family Fun Center and they had a place called Little Bigg Town inside of it that was supposed to be for the 5 and under crowd. We figured we would check it out! It was a big success - fairly cheap and the girls loved it.

Inside of the Little Bigg Town they had a bounce house and a ton of different themed rooms from a music room, to a hair salon, a Wendy's restaurant, hospital, a sand pit inside of a cave, fire station, and even a pirate ship where you could shoot from the canons! Chloe basically ran from room to room without stopping (good thing it wasn't busy) while Eliza was perfectly happy playing in the pretend Wendy's and taking food orders.

And Rob was able to sneak away for some video games in a different part of the facility so he was happy too!

Excuse the pictures but the girls were having so much fun that I didn't get great pictures of this day!

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