Sunday, January 22, 2012

Breaking the Cycle....

I'm a little late in posting this news but on December 21st we went in for our 20 week ultrasound. I should preface this by saying that at my 12 week ultrasound, the tech made a comment that she would be shocked if we DIDN'T have a boy. She had a very clear shot and pointed out why she thought that we would be having a boy this time around. I told Rob right after this 12 week ultrasound but he wasn't really convinced - especially since we've gotten quite used to our little girls and didn't really care if we had a boy or a third girl.

Anyway - we took the whole little family into the ultrasound and we had a different ultrasound tech helping us and she asked if we planned to find out what we were having. We said yes. I got comfortable and she turned on the machine and she didn't have to tell me - within 2 seconds of her just turning on the ultrasound machine it was really obvious that we are welcoming a boy into our family in May! Even with the warning at 12 weeks - it was still weird to think about having a boy. But we are obviously very excited and thrilled. I paid close attention to the ultrasound and everything is measuring as it should and seems to be in the right places. Baby boy is measuring about a day ahead of schedule which is a little weird for me so I'm just praying it means he will be coming slightly early on his own and not a sign that he is going to be a big baby!

And in even bigger news - we actually have a name AHEAD of time for this baby! Obviously there is still the slight chance that we could change our mind after meeting him - but I kind of doubt it. We are planning on naming him Asher Warren Bodine. Asher is a name that Rob and I both liked 6 years ago when we were expecting Eliza and obviously never have had a chance to use it! Unfortunately it is rising in popularity but we still love it and love the meaning behind it (Asher is Hebrew for Happy and Blessed). And then the middle name Warren is after Rob's grandpa and his brother. We're apparently sticking with 5 letter names for our kids - purely by accident!

I've now made it past the 24 week mark and we'll get another look at our little guy at my 28 week 3D ultrasound and make sure everything is still going well! I'm still nauseated at night and suffering from heartburn and leg cramps at night but I'm not throwing up anymore and gaining weight so I'm happier. Hopefully just around 15 more weeks until we meet this little guy! I still have a lot of work to do to get ready since I went a little crazy with pink for my girls (can you blame me after 4 younger brothers and no sisters growing up?!) but excited to welcome a lot more blue into our home and decorate my baseball themed nursery for him!


Christina said...

Exciting! I guess you got around to the updating after all! It is hard to get motivated, no?

Christina MC said...

I love the name Asher!