Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I have never really liked mornings until I became a mom! Now they are actually an enjoyable part of the day. Ellie wakes up between 5:30-6:30 every morning which is way too early for me! But I feed her and then we lay in bed and watch the morning news and take a morning nap. I did this when we first came home from the hospital - just so I could get some more sleep. Now it has pretty much become a habit! She'll usually fall back asleep within 45 minutes of her first feeding and sleep for 2-3 hours. Just so you don't think I'm too lazy - I usually just sleep for an extra 30-60 minutes and then get up and get things done. But I love that I can slowly start my morning! I definitely take advantage of it since I know it's not going to be like this forever. Rob joins us on this morning ritual when he doesn't have to go to work at the crack of dawn . . Thanks honey for working so hard and letting me stay home with the little princess. :)

Stretched out on the bed

Sleeping with Daddy

A little tired after the morning bath

We call this the "camera smile". She only smiles like this for the camera! Her normal smile is unfortunately just like mine - where it takes up her whole face and she squints her eyes.


Nikki said...

Those are the cutest pictures! And I would LOVE to see a picture of Ellie smiling like her mommy. You have one of the best smiles I've ever seen. I'll be waitin' for that picture! :)

Hadley Family Clan! said...

Aww Ellie is darling and what a sweet picture of daddy and his girl sleeping.

Mindy said...

I love the morning ritual. Even though Ava is almost 2 we still sometimes sneak back to my bed after she wakes up and lay there as a family waiting for the day to start. I love it! Way to see the positive in the early Mom mornings!

Kerrie said...

My boy has started waking up that early. He's two though so we can't just sit and watch the news. He doesn't think that's a very exciting way to start the day. I LOVE your smile and Ellie's. I think its adoreable!