Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Books & Cleaning

Rob and I have tried to read Ellie books ever since she could focus on the pictures in the books. It's really fun now because she will actually let us READ to her and then I catch moments like this that just melt my heart:

She will sit and flip through books by herself and I just think it's the cutest thing. I think it's the only time during the day that she will actually sit still!

I took the advice that I was given last week and ordered magnetic locks for my kitchen cupboards. I found them the cheapest online but now I'm going crazy because they are taking forever to ship them to me! So currently all my breakable items are up on my counters during the day and all my dish detergent and that stuff that normally goes underneath the kitchen sink is on my counter also.

Rob was a huge help last week in helping me do some "spring cleaning" on our house. He borrowed his parents Kirby machine and vacuumed and shampooed all of our carpets. Ok - well we only have 2 carpets in the house . . .but it was still a huge job to move everything. I can't believe what a difference it has made though! Now I just need to remember to do it again in 6 months or rather have Rob do it again. He's the best at it!

I've been on an organizing and throwing thing away kick again. I think every few months or so I just have to clean everything out. I just really like throwing things away or giving things away to DI. I think I got that from my mother since she was always getting rid of things (even if you didn't want her to). I know it drives Rob crazy sometimes but even with these throwing away kicks that I go on - but we still seem to have a lot of STUFF!


Claire said...

I so could have written this post! I always felt like a bad mom cause I didn't read to Cecelia everyday... because she wouldn't let me! But now she'll bring me books to read to her, and I often find her sitting on the floor "reading". Its so cute! Let me know how the magnetic locks work... I'm beginning to think we'll be purchasing some soon!

Christine said...

She is SO CUTE!! I love when any of my kids bring me a book. We read a book every night before bed - right now we are on the Wizard of Oz. LOVE books!! And that is something that I want to instill in ALL of my kids.

Ted and Hilery said...

Those picture of Ellie remind me of Nora. She would always scoot over to her bookcase and pull out all of her books and read them when she was tiny. So cute. She still LOVES books and can read for quite some time.

I also love to throw stuff out. Makes for a nice organized house!