Friday, March 21, 2008

Dobson Ranch Park

Almost a weekly activity in our house is going to the Dobson Ranch Library and then walking over to the park. The park is great since it has a separate little kids area and of course the little lake with lots of friendly ducks that we like to go and feed. This week we met up with Christina and Elaya at the park and Christina captured some cute pictures for us!

Ellie has been up to her usual amount of trouble. It started off when I was cleaning her bedroom and had moved her crib which gave her access to a new area. I had a candle warmer turned on but completely out of reach. Well, she somehow managed to pull that down and get wax all over herself, me, Roxy (our dog), and the floor! Thankfully the candle wax was warm so no one was hurt - it just left a HUGE mess. It was almost like getting a parrafin wax on my hands and feet - ha ha. We have wood floors in her room so I just had to scrape all the wax off. Roxy had to endure a 30 minute scrub down to get all the wax out of her fur. And our clothes went through a couple rounds of the wash (that new Tide seriously works wonders!!).

She has also decided to try and scare me a little bit by attempting to climb out of her crib a few times this week. I'm amazed at how high up she can streth those little legs. We already have the crib on a really low setting but I think we are going to have to lower it to the toddler crib setting! Ellie got her leg stuck for a little while when she attempted her acrobatics - still didn't learn her lesson though since she keeps on trying! Sometimes she has no fear.


Mattias Klang said...
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Ashley Dent said...

Hey first of all...don't do what that last comment says. My friend did not knowing and got a bunch of viruses....
And second...Ellie is so cute! I heard that park is pretty fun. We usually go to Riverside and feed the ducks. Maybe we'll check out Dobson Ranch...we should go sometime together. I loved your post about how you and Rob met and all that...I was tagged to do one and it looks so fun, i just never get enough time to really do it. I still need to bring you youre sorry!

Terra said...

The ducks at that park are beyond friendly-they are psycotic. I took Kenny there once to feed the ducks and as soon as the bread hit the water, every duck in the pond (and every pigeon around) came flying at us. I thought I'd have to throw the bread and take Kenny and run in the opposite direction. Hopefully they were a little calmer when you and Ellie tried to feed them.