Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Full Term!

It's exciting to me that I'm officially full term with this pregnancy. Although I know I will probably still be waiting around on my due date... I feel like the end is in sight now. I have an appointment tomorrow so we'll see if this baby has made any progress since I was last checked at 35 weeks. After seeing this fun thing on Andrea's blog I thought I should try it out also - so if you want to make a guess as to when this little girl will arrive and how much she will weigh....feel free! I might even give a prize to the winner (although you might have to give me some time to do that one!)

And here are some recent pregnancy pictures. It makes me sick to look at them! The purple shirt picture is from 36 weeks and the black shirt picture is from today 37 1/2 weeks.

I feel mostly ready for this next baby - although lots of mixed emotions. The crib is set up, supplies purchased, hospital bag is as packed as it can be right now, etc. Bassinet and car seat just need to be assembled. Clothes and blankets are washed and put away. My aunt has bought her plane tickets to come and help for a few days and my dad and stepmom and brother will be here after her. I still have some deep cleaning projects to get to but most of my stuff is done and the house is as clean as you would expect with a 2 year old living in it.

Ellie has been keeping me as busy as she possibly can. The other day I was working on the computer and noticed she was being a little too quiet and found her covered in stickers! All over her body. At least they were easy to clean up! And of course my favorite are her sleeping positions. She goes and goes all day and then crashes hard at the end. Her imagination is on overdrive and she is obsessed with monsters and dragons in her room. Of course her current favorite movie is Monsters Inc so it explains the monster part but we're not sure where the dragon obsession came from!


Jen said...

I will never send you pictures when i'm that far along - you are TINY!

Michelle said...

If I had of realized how little Ellie was, I would have gone smaller for weight. Oh well. I should have anyhow because you still look little (although I know it is very nice!!). Good luck, I can't wait for you to have her!

Erin said...

You look so cute in your pictures! You are tiny everywhere and only carry in your tummy--not fair! Only 13 more days and I'll be hoping you go earlier. Just enjoy some sleep while you can. I am ALWAYS tired now--it stinks. I can't get naps though either b/c of Logan. Anyway, hope all goes well. Good luck! Oh, how much were you dilated?