Friday, April 23, 2010

Chloe at 6 Months

Chloe Tenae turned 6 months old on April 14th. I seriously don't know where the last 6 months have gone! It truly is hard to remember what life was like before she arrived. We love her to pieces! And for my journaling purposes:

- Chloe got her first tooth right around 5 1/2 months (a big surprise to me when Ellie was well after 10 months before her first tooth came in). Her second tooth is coming in right now.

- At her 6 month appointment she weighed exactly 16 pounds, 26 inches long, with a tiny head (below the 25% percentile).

- She is still the most easy going baby ever. Just goes with the flow, sleeps anywhere, and will let almost anyone hold her (although she has started to become somewhat partial to mom).

- She is days away from REAL crawling. Right now she does the rocking back and forth and lunges forward, scoots backwards really well, and can scoot a few inches forward, or just rolls where she wants to go. She can push off her back legs really high and propel herself forward. Really funny to watch! She can also sit up by herself although she usually ends up leaning forward or balancing on one arm and looking around at everything.

- She will grab ANYTHING within reach and put it in her mouth. The other day she grabbed the Popsicle out of Ellie's hand. Very sneaky.

- Chloe loves that she can eat real food. So far we've tried rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, bananas, and carrots and she has loved all of them and gets mad if you don't feed her fast enough.

- Loves to play peekaboo. She will put a blanket or a burp rag over her face herself and wait for someone to take it off.

- Still laughs more for her sister Ellie than anyone else.

- Already thinks she can talk and will wake up in the morning just jabbering away at anyone and everything. Also likes to yell directly at you if you aren't paying attention or feeding her when she wants!

- Still doesn't have much hair. Hence - we don't leave the house without a bow on!

- Has the cutest "thunder thighs" and rolls on her body. We love our chubby babies!

- Finds her pacifiers and puts them back in her mouth on her own. (This is a favorite trick of mine since it means I don't have to do it for her all day long).


Hadley Family Clan! said...

Chloe is so adorable. I can't believe she's already 6 months. The last pic cracks me up bc she really does get around and it's so cute that she practically pulls herself up. She has such a fun personality and I love her in her tutu:).

Jen said...

I love the 5th picture down of Chloe - just chillin in the grass! Life is good.