Wednesday, July 04, 2012

New Job!

Rob took some FMLA time off in May after I had Asher and while he was home, he started interviewing for a new job.  Neither of us were too thrilled with his work situation at Everest University Online (or CCI) but will always be grateful that the job brought us here to Colorado Springs!  Rob was offered a new position the day before he returned to work at Everest and started at the new company at the end of May.   He is now the Corporate Director of Admissions for IntelliTec Colleges.

They have 3 campuses in Colorado and are more of a tech/trade school.  Their corporate office is here in Colorado Springs and Rob is over all of their campuses (Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Grand Junction).  So far both of us are loving the new job!  I love that he has a normal schedule for the first time in YEARS (like Monday-Friday and 8 to 5 hours) and he loves that he is the big boss and gets to implement lots of new processes and procedures and work with students in-person and help them with their education goals.  It's been a huge answer to prayers for our family since we didn't want to move but the old job was becoming more and more stressful each month and we never saw Rob.  So grateful for this blessing!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Wonderful news! And just in time to help with the little guy. :) I don't know how you've made it through with him being gone so much! Super mom! Enjoy having him home!